Câu 3 - Trang 6
Lớp 9 SGK Hóa Học

Câu 3 - Trang 6

Hướng dẫn giải:

a)     Axit sunfuric + kẽm oxit → Kẽm sunfat + Nước

H2SO4 + ZnO  →  ZnSO4 + H2O

b)  Natri hiđroxit + lưu huỳnh trioxit → Natri sunfat + Nước

2NaOH + SO3  →  Na2SO4 + H2O

c) Nước +  lưu huỳnh đioxit  →  Axit sunfurơ

H2O + SO2 → H2SO3

d) Nước  + canxi oxit  →  Canxi hiđroxit

H2O + CaO → Ca(OH)2

e) Canxi oxit   + cacbon đioxit→ Canxi cacbonat

CaO + CO2 → CaCO3

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Hi, I'm David Smith

I'm David Smith, husband and father , I love Photography,travel and nature. I'm working as a writer and blogger with experience of 5 years until now.


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